Cardio 101 - HIIT vs LISS

When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, there are two main types of training that are commonly used: steady state cardio and high intensity

Josh Langham
Josh Langham
 min read
December 8, 2022
When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, there are two main types of training that are commonly used: steady state cardio and high intensity

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) vs Low Intensity Steady State (LISS) Cardio - 101

When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, there are two main types of training that are commonly used: steady state cardio and high intensity interval training (HIIT). Both types of training can be effective for improving cardiovascular health and burning calories, but they differ in their approach and the benefits they offer.

Steady state cardio, also known as endurance training, involves performing a cardiovascular exercise at a consistent, moderate intensity for an extended period of time. Examples of steady state cardio include activities such as jogging, cycling, or swimming at a steady pace. This type of training is great for improving your overall endurance and cardiovascular health, and can also help to burn calories and promote weight loss.

High intensity interval training (HIIT), on the other hand, involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. This type of training is highly effective for burning calories and improving cardiovascular fitness, as it challenges your body to work at maximum capacity. Examples of HIIT workouts include sprint intervals, circuit training, or hill repeats.

So which type of cardio training is best for you? The answer will depend on your individual fitness goals and preferences. If you are new to exercise or are looking to improve your overall endurance, steady state cardio may be a good place to start. On the other hand, if you are looking to maximize calorie burn and improve your cardiovascular fitness, HIIT may be the way to go. Ultimately, the best approach is to incorporate a mix of both steady state and HIIT training into your workout routine to get the best of both worlds.

Examples of LISS

  • Low intensity treadmill
  • Long walks
  • Bike rides
  • Swimming

Examples of HIIT

  • Tabata Interval Training (work/rest = :30/:15 or :20/:10)
  • Sprints (running, swimming, etc.)
  • Walking hills
Josh Langham

I love to work with a wide variety of clientele and help people improve movement to live their best lives!